Authors, editors and publishers

Today, I started reading a new book. It is one of those activities that brings me joy.

Taking a walk through the mind of a stranger and finding familiar parts of me in their story is pure bliss.

The time it takes to write a book, to edit, and finally to publish, is not for the fainthearted. I honor every writer for the commitment, care and courage it takes to ship their art.

You can tell the parts of a book where there was flow from the parts where they just kept on writing out of duty. A book is never just about inspiration, it is also about dedication.

Contrary to popular advice, I usually finish every book I read. It is the least I can do to say thank you to the author, apart from buying an original copy.

I am thankful for authors, editors and publishers that keep on doing the often thankless job of preserving our stories for posterity.

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